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Why We Need Liposuction?
Liposuction Surgery in Pakistan Without Anesthesia
Nowadays, liposuction has successfully become one of the most prevalent Cosmetique procedures to get rid of extra fat from the body. It is sought by both men and women equally all over the world in order to enhance their overall body figure and image. Nevertheless, almost all of us have natural fat storage and predisposition system in certain body parts.
Liposuction in Lahore, Pakistan, primarily removes fat deposits and contours your body areas that don’t change much with merely dieting and exercise. One of the most prevalent forms of liposuction technique among various cosmetic procedures in the US is tumescent liposuction. It is safer, more effective, and even less painful than traditional liposuction. Also, it has a quicker recovery period after fat removal. It is generally performed as an outpatient procedure without requiring general anesthesia.
Why choose Cosmetique for liposuction?
We maintain the highest standards of patient safety, privacy and confidentiality. Our operation theatre is one of the best equipped operating room by any international standard. We built this facility according to the Accreditation Association of Ambulatory Health Cares guidelines, meeting its very stringent criteria. Although we perform most of the surgeries only with local anesthesia, we employ some of the finest anesthetists in Pakistan. These hand picked specialists do their utmost to provide you with literally the best care available on earth. Our consultant surgeon for liposuction in Lahore is the most qualified in Pakistan as far as liposuction surgery is concerned. He has performed more liposuctions than any of his peers in Pakistan. He spent over 15 years in training, practicing and teaching the art of cosmetic surgery in the United States. Kindly review his qualifications. On the other hand most of the self proclaimed U.S. qualified doctors performing tumescent liposuction in Pakistan are trained in a 2-day course run by Dr. Jeffrey Klein in the United States. While, it is good to learn, a 2-day course may not give the experience and the depth of knowledge required to perform a procedure like liposuction.


Our Recent Blog

How to get rid of Resistant fat ?
Liposuction is a method of choice for reduction of the fat cell number and thereby, the resistant fat. Liposuction removes the resistant fat by two

What is Tumescent Liposuction?
The word “tumescent” means swollen and firm. In “Tumescent Liposuction” a large volume of very dilute lidocaine (local anesthetic) and epinephrine (capillary constrictor) is injected

Why we use microcannulas?
A liposuction cannula is a stainless steel tube which is inserted into subcutaneous fat through a small opening or incision in the skin. A microcannula

What are “Adits”?
Adits are small holes in the skin made with round, skin-biopsy punches. Adits are used as access sites, in which the liposuction cannula is passed

History of Liposuction
Liposuction was initially developed in the late 70’s in Italy and France. At that time, liposuction was performed under general anaesthesia without any introduction of

How the microcannulas help in getting smoother liposuction results?
Microcannulas allow a more gradual and controlled removal of fat thus leading to smoother liposuction results. This improves the ability of the surgeon to achieve
Before & After Best Liposuction in Lahore

Meet Prof. Dr. Azim Jahangir Khan
Best Liposuction Doctor In Pakistan with black tick
Significant Features of Liposuction
A few noteworthy features of the liposuction treatment offered by the best liposuction doctors in Lahore Pakistan of Cosmetique include the following:
Female liposuction doctor and staff,
No hospitalization,
Experienced staff,
No complications,
No general anesthesia,
Instant reduction in body inches,
Walk-in walk-out technique,
No blood loss,
No cuts, no incisions
Safe local anesthesia,

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Our Doctors

Prof. Dr. Azim Jahangir Khan
M.B.B.S., M.D. (U.S.A), F.A.A.D. (U.S.A), F.A.A.C.S. (U.S.A), F.A.S.D.S. (U.S.A) F.A.S.L.M.S. (U.S.A) F.R.C.P. (U.K) F.A.S.H.R.S. (U.S.A) F.A.S.L.S. (U.S.A) M.A.C.P. (U.S.A)

Dr. Asma Sana Azim
M.B.B.S. (Pb); M.D. (U.S.A.); M.A.C.P. (U.S.A): Dip. Derm (U.K.) Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine Member, American College of Physicians Diploma in Dermatology (UK)

Dr. Amnah M Raj
M.B.B.S. (Pb), Dip Derm (U.K), M.Sc. in Dermatology (U.K), FASDS (U.S.A.) Fellow, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (U.S.A) Certified Obesity and Weight Management Expert

Dr.Saima Malik
M.B.B.S. (KEMC) Dip Derm (U.K) M.Sc. in Dermatology (U.K) FASDS (U.S.A.) Fellow, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (U.S.A)
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Frequently Asked Question's
No. Liposuction is performed using our state-of-the-art technique of tumescent liposuction. There is no need of general anesthesia or hospitalization. At most of the centers in Pakistan liposuction is performed using general anesthesia. We are one of the very few centers performing liposuction using local anesthesia. Patient is allowed to go home within a couple of hours after the procedure. Patients who are afraid of the operation and surgeries may be given slight sedation in which they are in twilight sleep and wake up immediately after the surgery is over. Patients can resume their daily routine activities in 1 to 2 days. Again, it is light sedation, not general anesthesia
The word Tumescent means to swell or make something hard. In the tumescent technique of liposuction, a special fluid in injected under the patients� skin to swell and lift the skin and fat away from the sensitive body organs thereby protecting them from damage while the fat is being sucked out. Also, this fluid closes down the blood vessels during the surgery inorder to minimize the blood loss. Since injecting this fluid makes the skin temporarily swollen during the procedure, it gives this technique the name Tumescent liposuction. At COSMETIQUE Surgery Center, Lahore liposuction is performed using this latest tumescent technique. Performed in this way, liposuction becomes a far safer and more comfortable outpatient procedure without the need for general anesthesia and hospitalization. The traditional old method of Liposuction surgery had two major problems � general anesthesia (with all its potential complications), and heavy blood loss. Tumescent liposuction method eliminates these two serious safety considerations since general anesthesia is not being employed and patient has almost no blood loss during or after the surgery. Administering tumescent fluid to the area being treated greatly diminishes the risk of bleeding and after the surgery patient remains pain-free as opposed to the old method in which patients needed heavy pain killers and admission to the intensive care units. We perform liposuction using non-power-assisted, small instruments, that helps in increasing patient safety and allowing us greater control in removing fat.
Yes. In fact our surgeons have published their results of more than 5000 cases performed with their latest technique in world renowned peer reviewed Journal of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Peer reviewed journals are the most credible scientific publications printed for the education and experience sharing amongst credible doctors. Many surgeons claim to have performed �thousands of procedures� but fail to publish in such reputable journals as it is difficult for them to convince their peers that their method works. At COSMETIQUE Cosmetic Surgery Center, we perform liposuction using the latest tumescent technique. Improved techniques and latest instruments, coupled with our experience in performing literally thousands of procedures, we have successfully produced balanced, natural-looking results, minimizing hollows and dimpling that can be associated with traditional liposuction surgery. While not a cure for obesity, body contouring liposuction can be used to recontour and shape up the body, face, legs and arms by removing tenacious fat deposits that haven responded well to dieting and exercise.
Liposuction is not intended as a method for weight loss, it is rather a technique to LOOSE INCHES. Anywhere between 2 � 8 inches can be reduced with liposuction. It is used as a shaping procedure for areas where hereditary fat deposits resistant to diet and exercise have accumulated. The best results from liposuction occur in body areas where there is reasonable muscle tone, skin has good elastic quality, and fat is not excessive. Your liposuction surgeon can advise you of the likelihood of the need for additional treatments, depending on the specific condition of your skin.
A good candidate is someone who has disproportionate stubborn areas of fat storage that cannot be lost with diet or exercise.
Someone who has major medical problems like heart disease, uncontrolled diabetes or cancer. If the patient can achieve a perfectly balanced physique with diet and exercise it is a mistake to do liposuction. Similarly, if someone is very fat and morbidly obese from head to toe, he/she may be a candidate for weight loss surgery with stomach shortening/ banding or stomach ballooning procedure, rather than liposuction. During your consultation, our doctors will determine which procedure is right for you.
The correct answer is the amount that makes a person proportionate and achieves a natural look. The goal is not to remove as much fat as possible but to remove the right amount in the right way from the right areas. It may be 200cc or 4 ½ Liters. Typically the average person has about two to three liters removed. Since fat is lighter than water (which is why you see the fat floating over your gravy dish) and is fluffy, it takes more space. But remember this is pure fat! Your body will get much better figure by removing 2 ½ – 5 Lb fat with liposuction than a 2 � – 5 Lb weight loss would accomplish
The safe limit for one surgery is five liters. If more fat needs to be removed, it should be planned in two or more sessions. Most of the bad outcomes in Pakistan have occurred because of the over aggressive suction in which more than 10 liters of fat was removed under general anesthesia. Remember, liposuction is an elective surgery for ½fun½ and it does not need to be dangerous at any time. So be careful in choosing the right doctor who offers you the right advice. Many times patients seeking to ½Get all the work done in one go� are swayed by the offer of ½Mega liposuction�, only to find themselves in the intensive care units after the surgery. Mega liposuction using general anesthesia has been proven dangerous in the medical literature time and again, and should be refrained from. There is no reason to get even close to the dangerous situation of being admitted to an Intensive care unit for just getting a few kilos of fat out!
We maintain the highest standards of patient safety, privacy and confidentiality. Our operation theatre is one of the best equipped operating room by any international standard. We built this facility according to the Accreditation Association of Ambulatory Health Care ½s guidelines, meeting it ½s very stringent criteria. Although we perform most of the surgeries only with local anesthesia, we employ some of the finest anesthetists in Pakistan. These hand picked specialists do their utmost to provide you with literally the best care available on earth. Ourconsultant surgeon for liposuction in Lahore is the most qualified in Pakistan as far as liposuction surgery is concerned. He has performed more liposuctions than any of his peers in Pakistan. He spent over 15 years in training, practicing and teaching the art of cosmetic surgery in the United States. Kindly review his qualifications. On the other hand most of the �self proclaimed U.S. qualified doctors performing tumescent liposuction in Pakistan are trained in a 2-day course run by Dr. Jeffrey Klein in the United States. While, it is good to learn, a 2-day course may not give the experience and the depth of knowledge required to perform a procedure like liposuction.
The charges include surgeon fee, operation theat½s fee, medicines needed during the procedure and the fee of other doctors included in the team. While the cost of liposuction in Pakistan is a fraction of what one would have to pay in the west, we still maintain the highest level of sterilization, international standard operating room, and the most qualified staff with the most competitive board certifications from the United States performing the liposuction in Pakistan. Generally the whole package including all these fees ranges between Rs.50000/- and Rs.140,000 (Approx. US $ 600 to $1600), depending on how much fat and how many areas need to be treated. The exact cost can only be quoted after examination of the patient during initial consultation. If you could send us the front and side photos of the sites that you wish to get liposuction on, we will be glad to give you the approximate quote. You can e-mail pictures using our site or e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected]. Kindly call us at +92-3004770006 if you wish to make an appointment or need any further information.
Body contouring liposuction is effective in removing localized fat bulges (like love handles, saddle bags, and spare tires) that are disproportionate to the rest of a person�s figure. The inner and outer thighs, buttocks, flanks, and abdomen respond very well. Female breast reduction can be achieved with liposuction, with an average reduction of from 1/2 to 1-1/2 cup sizes. Also, men with enlarged breasts (a condition known as gynecomastia) can consider liposuction to dramatically reduce this area. Body Contouring Liposuction is known for restoring a natural contour to larger areas like the abdomen, flanks, hips, buttocks, and thighs. Localized liposuction shrinks pockets of fullness in areas of the body that contain little actual fat to remove but benefit from �fine-tuning.� Patients who are most likely to benefit from any type of liposuction surgery are those in good health with reasonably good skin tone, and who desire a more even proportion for troublesome areas.
Microliposuction is extremely effective in removing small pockets of fat from facial areas like the chin, neck, jowls and cheek. Since the incision and instruments used in microliposuction are so tiny, it is perfectly suited to be performed on the delicate areas of the face. Microliposuction is ideal for people who desire better facial contour. Even younger patients with early facial sagging can “firm up” with a simple microliposuction procedure. Typically the double chin can be effectively removed using a very tiny hole under the chin. It is a very quick and gratifying procedure for people with double chin. Similarly, the jewels or sagging cheeks are a good area for micro liposuction as it can obviate the need for a relatively bigger surgery like face lift in many cases.
Localized liposuction is a targeted method to focus on and treat small areas of the body e.g., fat lump on the back of neck(buffalo hump),lower legs, knees or ankles, if they develop minor and disproportionate fullness. Once the minor fullness is reduced, the natural shape of the targeted area can be appreciated. Localized area liposuction has helped us to achieve a natural, pleasing contour for many of our patients.
Once a fat cell has been removed, the body does not replace it. That means that a patient who has had liposuction on her inner thigh should not see that area bulge again. However, unhealthy eating and a sedentary lifestyle will still result in weight gain, and fat cells will increase in size � just somewhere other than the specific site of liposuction. The good news is that post-liposuction weight gain, should it occur, occurs in areas that are responsive to diet and exercise.
The liposuction procedure itself lasts from about 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the number of locations and the amount of fat being removed.
No. Since we anesthetize the area where we need to take the fat out from, it is a painless procedure. In tumescent technique, the tumescent fluid contains a diluted local anesthetic, used to swell the fatty tissue and keep the procedure painless. After the procedure, patients usually feel a mild to moderate soreness, which is relieved by ordinary pain killers.
Patient goes home in a couple of hours, after the surgery. We perform surgery in our world class out-patient surgery suite. Since no general anesthesia is used, the recovery is immediate. Our patients are up on their feet almost immediately after the procedure, and most return to work and normal activities within a day or two. We recommend and provide the patients with a tight compression garment to wear under the clothes for a few weeks after the liposuction.
It is preferable but not essential. Since many of our patients travel from out of city to get liposuction in Lahore and many come from abroad, we suggest them to stay within the city for a day or two if possible, to see them back at least once, the next day. Then they can leave and follow with us on as needed basis.
Liposuction of the upper & lower abdomen gave this woman the figure she could not get through exercise and diet alone.
Liposuction of the abdomen reduced this patient’s “love handles” and made him look better and feel more positive about himself.
Reviews and Results
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Cosmetique is considered as the most authentic and premier center of excellence performing the safest liposuction in Pakistan ever since its launch in 2005. Get in touch with us by just filling this form.