Adits are small holes in the skin made with round, skin-biopsy punches.
Adits are used as access sites, in which the liposuction cannula is passed in and out of during the liposuction process. Adits also facilitate the drainage of blood-tinged anesthetic solution after liposuction.
Because of the skin’s ability to stretch, microcannulas can usually fit through a 1.0 mm, 1.5 mm, or 2 mm round hole made in the skin with a skin biopsy punch. Such tiny holes usually disappear without scars after liposuction. Adits are so small that it is not necessary to close them with sutures. Because adits are not closed with sutures, they promote copious postoperative drainage of blood-tinged tumescent anesthesia, which in turn reduces post-operative bruising, tenderness and swelling.